home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
- 15 ifa=0thena=1:load"scroll c000.o",dv,1
- 16 dima$(226)
- 20 gosub70:gosub300
- 30 print"[144]":print""
- 40 print "load";chr$(34);f$;chr$(34)","dv
- 50 print"run"
- 60 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
- 70 print"[147]":poke53280,0:poke53281,0:iffthenreturn
- 80 poke214,10:print"[145]";
- 85 print"[159][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][154][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][223]";
- 90 fori=1to12:print"[159][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][154][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][223]";:next:print""
- 100 fori=217to242:pokei,peek(i)or128:next
- 110 poke214,12:print"[145]"tab(2)"[164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164]"
- 120 fori=1to7:printtab(2)"[155] [146][223]":next
- 130 printtab(2)"[152][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][146][223]"
- 140 print"[169][169][169][169][169][169][169][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][169][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][223][154][223]"
- 150 poke214,14:print"[145][155]";
- 160 fori=1to5:reada$:gosub170:next:goto180
- 170 printspc(20-len(a$)/2)""a$:a$="":return
- 180 f$="hello connect"
- 185 poke214,24:print"[145]"spc(11)"[158][195][210][211][210]-[213]p/[196]own/[209][158]uit":return
- 190 data"[211][195][210][197][197][206][160][211][195][210][207][204][204].[207] [196][197][205][207]","by [202]eff [202]ones"
- 200 data"[214]1.0 [208]ublished on [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] #90","[211]ubscriptions 1-800-831-2694"
- 210 data"[195]opyright ([195]) 1991 [211]oftdisk"
- 300 fori=1to225:reada$(i):next
- 310 print"":fori=1to8:print" ";:next
- 320 fori=217to242:pokei,peek(i)or128:next
- 330 print"[153]";:fori=1to8:print" ":next
- 340 print"";:fori=1to8:print""a$(i):next:i=8
- 350 geta$:ifa$<>""thenifa$<>"[145]"thenifa$<>"q"then350
- 360 ifa$=""thenifi>=226then350
- 370 ifa$=""theni=i+1:sys49152,0,38,0,7,0:sys49155,160,13:print""a$(i):goto350
- 380 ifa$="[145]"thenifi<=8then350
- 390 ifa$="[145]"theni=i-1:sys49152,0,38,0,7,1:sys49155,160,13:print""a$(i-7):goto350
- 400 fori=0to9:poke781,i:sys59903:next:return
- 1000 data" [208] [210] [201] [206] [212] [193] [212] [210] [207] [213] [212] [201] [206] [197]"
- 1010 data""
- 1020 data" [212]here are three ways to do it:"
- 1030 data""
- 1040 data" -1-"
- 1050 data""
- 1060 data"poke214,row:poke211,col:sys58732"
- 1070 data""
- 1080 data" -2-"
- 1090 data""
- 1100 data"poke214,row-1:print:printtab(col)"
- 1110 data""
- 1120 data" -3-"
- 1130 data""
- 1140 data"poke214,row:print'[up][down]..."
- 1150 data""
- 1160 data""
- 1170 data""
- 1180 data" [204] [201] [206] [197] [204] [201] [206] [203] [211]"
- 1190 data""
- 1200 data" [201]f you can't make the cursor land"
- 1210 data"where you want, you need to clear the"
- 1220 data"line links. [201]t only takes a moment:"
- 1230 data""
- 1240 data"fori=217to242:pokei,peek(i)or128:next"
- 1250 data""
- 1260 data" [206]ow all 25 lines on the screen are"
- 1270 data"considered separate, not linked."
- 1280 data""
- 1290 data""
- 1300 data""
- 1310 data" [211] [212] [207] [208] [203] [197] [217]"
- 1320 data""
- 1330 data""
- 1340 data"[196][201][211][193][194][204][197]: poke788,52"
- 1350 data""
- 1360 data"[206]ote: [212][201]$ isn't updated now."
- 1370 data""
- 1380 data"[197][206][193][194][204][197]: poke788,49"
- 1390 data""
- 1400 data"[196]isable stop/restore:"
- 1410 data""
- 1420 data"poke808,239"
- 1430 data""
- 1440 data"[206]ote: [196][207][206]'[212] try to save anything now."
- 1450 data"[201]t will be garbage."
- 1460 data""
- 1470 data"re-enable: poke 808,237"
- 1480 data""
- 1490 data""
- 1500 data" [198] [193] [211] [212] [197] [210] [195] - 6 4"
- 1510 data""
- 1520 data" [207]n a 128 in the [195]-64 mode you can"
- 1530 data"switch to the 2 megahertz speed:"
- 1540 data"poke53296,255 [206][207][212][197]: the screen"
- 1550 data"blanks. [210]eturn to normal:"
- 1560 data"poke53265,0."
- 1570 data""
- 1580 data" [217]ou can blank the screen for a"
- 1590 data"slight speed increase:"
- 1600 data""
- 1610 data" poke53265,peek(53265)and239"
- 1620 data""
- 1630 data"[212]o unblank: poke53265,peek(53265)or16"
- 1640 data""
- 1650 data""
- 1660 data" [203][197][217][194][207][193][210][196] [211][195][193][206] [195][207][206][212][210][207][204]"
- 1670 data""
- 1680 data""
- 1690 data" [217]ou can vary the time that the"
- 1700 data"[195]-64 uses to scan the keyboard. [212]his"
- 1710 data"frees up the processor, giving it more"
- 1720 data"time to devote to your program."
- 1730 data""
- 1740 data"poke56325,0 for minimal keyboard scan"
- 1750 data"poke56325,255 for maximum keyboard"
- 1760 data"poke56325,64 normal"
- 1770 data""
- 1780 data" [198] [201] [204] [197] [206] [193] [205] [197] [211]"
- 1790 data""
- 1800 data"[196]isplay filename last used:"
- 1810 data""
- 1820 data" sys62913"
- 1830 data""
- 1840 data"[211][195][210][193][212][195][200][201][206][199] [193] [198][201][204][197]"
- 1850 data""
- 1860 data"[201]f you have a cartridge installed:"
- 1870 data""
- 1880 data"@scratch:filename"
- 1890 data""
- 1900 data"[198]rom [194][193][211][201][195]:"
- 1910 data""
- 1920 data"open15,8,15,'scratch:filename':close15"
- 1930 data""
- 1940 data""
- 1950 data""
- 1960 data""
- 1970 data" [215] [201] [204] [196] [195] [193] [210] [196] [211]"
- 1980 data""
- 1990 data"* will open the last file loaded, or"
- 2000 data"the first file on the disk."
- 2010 data""
- 2020 data"[194][207]* will open the first file that"
- 2030 data"begins with '[194][207]'. [201]n scratching, it"
- 2040 data"will scratch [197][214][197][210][217] file that begins"
- 2050 data"with '[194][207]'."
- 2060 data""
- 2070 data"[194][207]*=p will open the first file that"
- 2080 data"begins with '[194][207]' that is also a"
- 2090 data"program file. [201]n scratching, it will"
- 2100 data"scratch [207][206][204][217] the [208][210][199] files that start"
- 2110 data"with '[194][207]'. [212]he first letter of the"
- 2120 data"file type works for [210][197][204], [211][197][209] and [213][211][210]"
- 2130 data"also."
- 2140 data""
- 2150 data" [215][201][204][196][195][193][210][196][211] [193][206][196] 1581's"
- 2160 data""
- 2170 data""
- 2180 data""
- 2190 data" [198]or 1541's, 1571's and"
- 2200 data"compatibles, anything following the *"
- 2210 data"wildcard will be ignored. [215]ith"
- 2220 data"1581's, you can continue pattern"
- 2230 data"matching even after the *. [198]or"
- 2240 data"instance *.c could find all your [195]"
- 2250 data"source files."
- 2260 data""
- 2270 data" [205] [207] [210] [197] [215] [201] [204] [196] [195] [193] [210] [196] [211]"
- 2280 data""
- 2290 data"? will open the first file whose"
- 2300 data"filename is one character long. [201]n"
- 2310 data"scratching it will scratch [197][214][197][210][217] one"
- 2320 data"character filename. [201]t's also a"
- 2330 data"great way to scratch away those ','"
- 2340 data"files that can get on your disks."
- 2350 data""
- 2360 data"?[193] will open '[195][193]', '[212][193]', etc., or"
- 2370 data"scratch all two character files that"
- 2380 data"end in '[193]'."
- 2390 data""
- 2400 data"[204]? will open '[204][193]' or '[204][208]' or the"
- 2410 data"first two-character file that begins"
- 2420 data"with '[204]'."
- 2430 data""
- 2440 data"[217]ou can mix ? and *, but for 1541's"
- 2450 data"and 71's the * is the last part of a"
- 2460 data"wildcard word that is recognized."
- 2470 data""
- 2480 data""
- 2490 data""
- 2500 data" [196] [201] [211] [208] [204] [193] [217] [193] [196] [207] [207] [196] [204] [197]"
- 2510 data""
- 2520 data"100 sys57812'ddfile',8,0:poke780,0:"
- 2530 data"poke781,0:poke782,92:sys65493:rem load"
- 2540 data""
- 2550 data"110 poke56,92:poke55,0:clr"
- 2560 data""
- 2570 data"120 poke53265,59:poke53272,120:poke"
- 2580 data"56576,peek(56576)and254:rem bit on"
- 2590 data""
- 2600 data"130 geta$:ifa$=''then130:rem wait key"
- 2610 data""
- 2620 data"140 poke53265,27:poke53272,21:poke"
- 2630 data"56576,peek(56576)or1:rem bit off"
- 2640 data""
- 2650 data" [212]his routine will display a"
- 2660 data"[196][207][207][196][204][197]! pic and wait for a key."
- 2670 data""
- 2680 data" [214] [193] [210] [201] [207] [213] [211] [211] [212] [213] [198] [198]"
- 2690 data""
- 2700 data"poke199,1 print reverse"
- 2710 data"poke199,0 normal"
- 2720 data""
- 2730 data"poke650,128 all keys repeat"
- 2740 data"poke650,64 no keys repeat - even [195][210][211][210]"
- 2750 data"poke650,0 normal"
- 2760 data""
- 2770 data"[203]eyboard buffer is at 631-640"
- 2780 data"[195]lear keyboard buffer: poke198,0"
- 2790 data""
- 2800 data"[196]etect [211][200][201][198][212] keys: peek(653)"
- 2810 data"1=[211][200][201][198][212] 2= [195][207][205][205][207][196][207][210][197] 4=[195][207][206][212][210][207][204]"
- 2820 data"[195]ombination keypresses are added"
- 2830 data""
- 2840 data"[215]ait for control key: wait653,4"
- 2850 data""
- 2860 data" [214] [193] [210] [201] [207] [213] [211] [211] [212] [213] [198] [198] 2"
- 2870 data""
- 2880 data"[197]xtended color mode:"
- 2890 data""
- 2900 data"[197]nable: poke53265,peek(53265)or64"
- 2910 data"[196]isable: poke53265,peek(53265)and191"
- 2920 data""
- 2930 data"[205]ulticolor [195]haracter [205]ode:"
- 2940 data""
- 2950 data"[197]nable: poke53270,peek(53270)or16"
- 2960 data"[196]isable: poke53270,peek(53270)and239"
- 2970 data""
- 2980 data"[198]orce quote mode (to print symbols):"
- 2990 data""
- 3000 data"poke212,1 to enter quote mode"
- 3010 data"poke212,0 to exit"
- 3020 data""
- 3030 data" [215] [193] [201] [212] [201] [206] [199] [193] [210] [207] [213] [206] [196]"
- 3040 data""
- 3050 data"[215]ait for keypress: poke198,0:wait198,1"
- 3060 data""
- 3070 data"[215]ait for fire button port 1:"
- 3080 data""
- 3090 data" wait 56465,16,16"
- 3100 data""
- 3110 data"[215]ait for fire button port 2"
- 3120 data""
- 3130 data" wait 56464,16,16"
- 3140 data""
- 3150 data"[215]ait until no key is pressed:"
- 3160 data""
- 3170 data" wait197,64"
- 3180 data""
- 3190 data"[215]ait 4.25 seconds:"
- 3200 data""
- 3210 data" ti$='000000':wait161,255"
- 3220 data""
- 3230 data""
- 3240 data" **** [194]ottom [207]f [212]ext ****"
- 10000 open15,8,15,"s0:bytes 90":close15:save"bytes 90",8:end